Athletics Success Fund

By giving to the Grizzly Athletics Success Fund you provide flexible and powerful resources to meet opportunities as they arise. These funds can be distributed when and where they are needed by our Athletic Director. 

This is a fund to help out all of our sports and all of our departments. 

Thank you for supporting UM during The Big Give. 

Every gift tells a tale. Be a part of the UM story, now and forever.

Grizzly Athletics Gift Leaderboard
The Grizzly Athletics area with the most gifts.
Rank Grizzly Athletics Gifts
1 Soccer 1
2 Softball 1
3 Grizzly Scholarship Assoc. 1
4 Track & Field / XC 1
5 Monte's Fund 0
Grizzly Athletics Donation Leaderboard
The Grizzly Athletics area with the most dollars.
Rank Grizzly Athletics Raised
1 Soccer $750.00
2 Softball $750.00
3 Grizzly Scholarship Assoc. $100.00
4 Track & Field / XC $50.00
5 Monte's Fund $0.00
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