Montana Public Radio
Connecting communities through exceptional programming.

Montana Public Radio logo. Text reads 'mtpr.org'Your gift to the UM Foundation in support of Montana Public Radio ensures we continue connecting communities through access to comprehensive programming.

When you give, you help enrich minds and spirits, inspire lifetimes of learning and create strong communities. Your support allows MTPR to provide trusted news, hand-picked music, children’s programs, podcasts and more to western and central Montana every day.

Listener-members like you are the most reliable and important source of funding for MTPR, providing about 75% of the revenue needed to produce all our programs, repair transmitters and keep this station running around the clock. 

Every program, conversation, song and story you hear on MTPR is powered with your help. Your gift:

  • Supports principled journalists who ask tough questions and hold individuals in power accountable.
  • Provides music to enrich lives and souls.
  • Funds children's programming that teaches valuable lessons about caring, friendship and empathy.
Your support ensures trusted journalism, remarkable cultural programs and the outstanding variety of hand-picked music are always available for you, your family and your community.

Thank you for supporting UM during The Big Give. Every gift — of any amount — makes a difference. Because when we all give, we unite for One Day. One UM.
Rank State Gifts
1 MT 4
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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Or you can contact us at giving@supportum.org.